Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Be There And Observe

Doc Rey is spending a couple of days in the farm. The rains have started to come and he wants to see the flow of work and the water.

The roofs of the housings aren't leaking, but the monitor seems too high and the opening is taking in rain. He made some adjustments. The caretaker just said the houses were leaking.

Some portions near the ranging areas were collecting water. Move ranges? Nope. Landfill. Some shovels of gravel on the area and no more paddles.

Make things easier to haul things....use a hand tractor with a cart, to ferry supplies among ranges.

Rain was so strong today. Doc Rey had a 4X4 with him and was very confident. By dinner time, he calls that he got stuck! Laughs and said that he didn't think the mud will be a problem. There was no need for any pull. He stepped out and placed a rock under his tire.

That's it. Be present and observe. Only way you can solve problems. Remote control is OK only when you know the movements and can picture the scene. Being told of a problem when you are clueless to history and guessing won't work for the long haul.

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