Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Start With Your Circle

Often been asked where is the market if he was to raise the Sunshines.

Yes we do advertise and market, but we do the bigger picture. Ours is marketing on the consumer awareness level.

I will always say start with the people around you, friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors....that is the best initial market. They will be the ball of the word of mouth and your circle builds its outer size little by little.

In August, to make sure we had dressed Sunshines available for Agrilink, I asked one of my staff to take care of 100 heads. Another 200 was commissioned to a relative and I bought back close to 100 from Daily Dose Farm. So our Agrilink safely had close to 400 sold. Had to make sure, as hard to get from growers as they have their own markets developed and I understand when I can't be served. I like that problem for them :)

Right after that October, my staff decided to grow another 100. Now on their own, unlike the 1st batch that I financed and paid them a grower's fee. Today I asked her how she is doing, because it was targetted for harvest this season.

1.9k in 60days. Who was she selling it to? I wondered as our live chicken sales was not being affected. Loyalty prevails :)..... Her husband drives a tricylce during the hours he has after feeding his chickens and pigs. His ready market? Tricycle drivers too!

Don't even think about how many each tricylce driver purchases. I saw the larger many men with their jackets worn the other way and caps facing you do you see on the road? Ok, let's even just talk about the terminal where he parks.

His 2nd batch of 100 sold today.

Don't look too far beyond. I guess that is why people stumble, they don't watch their steps :)

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